Friday, September 28, 2012

Graphic Design Myths: #4. One Size Fits All “If it’s good for one company it should work for me too.

Four Graphic Design Myths Busted
Welcome to a short four-part series of advice tidbits that can help guide you through the graphic design process. The last three months we covered three different myths, “More is More,” “It’s Too Expansive to Hire a Graphic Designer,” and “Web Site Horror Stories,” which you can see in the media tab on my web site Whether you’re a small repair business with a marketing plan or the VP of an amateur golf league with an annual membership booklet to design, there are some basic art, business and communication principles, that everyone should understand. It might be easier than you think to believe these myths because in the short run it appears to be the cheaper, quicker and overall, easier decision. However, make yourself aware of these pitfalls and trust me, you’ll be better off and more likely to avoid these mistakes.
Graphic Design Myths: #4. One Size Fits All “If it’s good for one company it should work for me too.
One idea of thought when starting up a new business is to have your logo on everything that your client's hand touches. While there is nothing wrong with this strategy, it might not be necessary for everyone. Sometimes beginning entrepreneurs get caught up in the staging process of their new business; they get their logo designed, they need a business card, letterhead, brochure, flyers, post cards, e-mail blasts, web site, company pens and hats ... oh, and don't forget those fun stress balls with the logo on it.
While there is nothing wrong with getting your name out in the market in a professional manner, you want to be careful on where you spend your marketing dollars. Just because ABC company orders 10,000 sheets of letterhead at a time, doesn't mean you have to do the same. Maybe it makes more sense for you to promote your "green" side and have a letterhead designed that you can print out for yourself on an as needed basis. Help the environment, show your caring side to your clients and customers and save some money all at the same time. Freeing up some cash could also allow you to try some guerilla marketing ideas to really set your business apart from the competition.
Overall, not EVERY company needs EVERY type of marketing piece despite what some agencies may want you to believe. If you look at your marketing plan from an "a la carte" view point, you might be surprised how many items you truly don't need. But how do you know which to invest in and what to pass on? You guessed it. The answer is unique to every company so do your homework. Find an experienced individual in the marketing world you can trust and ask for their opinion. I'd be more than happy to share my design/marketing experience with you. Plus, for more specialized needs like overall marketing help, writing, photography, etc, I have my pockets filled with other trusted professionals that I've worked with on past projects. Just tell me how Kristal Clear Graphics can help you find the solution that fits your company best.

Kristal Young, owner and graphic designer of Kristal Clear Graphics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, offers creative services in print, web and beyond. Now specializing in social media design for business identity, you can visit online at or like Kristal Clear Graphics on facebook at